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Geoffrey Johnson Artist Analysis

Geoffrey Johnson is an abstract impressionism painter born 1965 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Many of Johsons inspirations come from traveling around different locations such as New York City which he has said always continues to provide new ideas and inspirations for his work.


He uses a monochromatic palate of sepia hues and he also lets his blotched brush strokes to spread across the page with his black silhouette figures of people walking around the city. Johnson has stated he always strives to reduce the places that inspire him while allowing the painting to "almost dance on the water of abstraction or of just being".


Many people admire Johnson's work for their elegant sense of melancholy and timelessness and he also adds a lot of light sources from the sun in his paintings that blends together with his black silhouette figures.


Johnson's work links to mine because we both use a similar setting of cold city landscapes with figures of people walking around and we both like our sense of timelessness in our work.


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